Could Your Business Benefit From The Cloud?

by UK IT Networks

By the end of 2021, 40% of large UK businesses will run on cloud infrastructure only, reinforcing the rapid movement towards cloud systems however it is not just large companies that benefit, small and medium companies are reaping the rewards from switching too. 

What are Cloud Platforms?

A cloud platform is a system that exists digitally, operates remotely, and works to scale. It works as an internet-based data centre and is a useful investment for companies, especially if they work between office and home.

How Can Cloud Help?

Quite simply Cloud platforms allow a smooth transition between home and office work. Hybrid working has meant that employees must be able to access documents and data whether they work from home or office, putting it all onto the Cloud allows for this to happen. Cloud platforms are flexible and mobile- keeping all data in-house limits employee flexibility and productivity.

Managing the transition to Cloud is easy. As files are relocated and systems are operating, collaboration can begin. With Cloud the possibilities are endless- unrestricted working is at the core of operations. Working between home and office is smooth as access remains open despite location changes or device usage.

How Does Cloud Impact Work?

Manually backing up data is expensive and time-consuming. The cost of hardware and software adds up, and, in the event of a breach, data recovery can be expensive. Alongside this, personnel costs mount up too. Switching to Cloud systems has cost-saving benefits. The digital element of the platform cuts out initial investment in hardware and physical infrastructure thus eliminating the need for continued expenses. For example, switching to a Hosted Phone System is an inexpensive alternative to traditional PBX systems. Cloud-based telephony offers that cost-saving benefit along with flexibility and multi-layered security. Phone systems benefit from lower UK and international call costs as these are done through the internet instead of internal private lines.

Why is Cloud Beneficial?

A major benefit of working this way is security. According to Logic Monitor, 66% of IT Professionals claim security is the biggest concern when it comes to adopting a cloud computing strategy, but, Cloud platforms are completely safe. They are enriched with strong passwords and allow users access within set limits. The platform is built with an enhanced back-up system to prevent loss and security breaches.

It is important to consider that switching to cloud platforms also benefits from the added protection of a UK-based Data Centre. This means that data is hosted in the UK, servers are based in the UK and the platform benefits from protection under GDPR laws.


Cloud platforms have bridged the gap between traditional and hybrid working. The freedom and accessibility gained by the workforce propel their strength and position to operate as normally as possible whether working from home or office. Transitioning has never been so simple with just an internet connection and digital infrastructure to operate.

Want to find out more about how Cloud solutions can help your business whether at home or in the office? Email us at or call us on 0344 326 2150 to speak to one of our advisors today.

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