SoSmart Money – AuditWise

by Amy Helliwell

SoSmart Money, previously known as Money Hospital, are an independent money advice and information service part of Simply Online Media. Founded in 2005, the business has its roots in Chester but provides services in personal money matters across the country. SoSmart Money’s mission is to “help our customers understand their finances and stretch their money that little bit further.” Their relationships with specialist providers give their customers access to a range of great deals from credit cards to travel insurance.

The Challenge

SoSmart Money was running a basic quality check system through Excel, there was no dedicated platform for clear, consistent and concise scoring as it was subjective to each person’s terms. 

The previous quality check system was a spreadsheet within Excel consisting of a checklist. The form was basic and contained closed questions meaning that answers never went further than a yes or no. The form was used by different people who each scored calls, which would be passed to the training manager who could ensure they were scored correctly. However, on occasion, there would be inconsistencies with marking, due to an individual’s subjective interpretations.

The Goal

The Training Manager at SoSmart Money was looking for a solution to improve efficiencies and provide consistent training to their team.

SoSmart Money was looking for a provider of auditing software that was customisable to their business needs. They required a system that could track development and deliver direction for consistent training. Implementing a bespoke scoring system was important.

The Solution

At UK IT Networks, our priority was providing a system that could ease the challenges SoSmart Money were facing. Our proposed solution was the AuditWise platform – a cloud system that could provide bespoke scorecards and be overseen by the Training Manager. Initially, the platform was implemented as a trial to see what benefits it could give the business. After a web demonstration and some time on the platform, AuditWise was fully integrated in September 2018.

The Impact

“The first thing to mention is that the platform was easy to navigate”

Onboarding to AuditWise means that SoSmart Money can build different scorecards to match their call scripts. They can highlight key areas such as compliance and mandatory script requirements and break down each section of their script. The quality checks are weighted in priority depending on the importance of the question. Other benefits of the platform include:

  • Clear accurate results – Visible correlation between top-performing sales agents figures and high scoring QC’s.
  • No more subjective results or comments – Set general feedback/comments and guidance depending on the outcome.
  • Instant feedback – The agent can get instant feedback via email as soon as the QC has been scored. Change can be implemented immediately.
  • Performance Tracking – The agents can look at scores and trends in the staff view portal.
  • Reporting – Provide directors with up to date reporting, either by individual, team or department.
  • Agent Development – Track staff and agent development and performance management.
  • Consistency – Calibration ensures marking is consistent at all times.

“AuditWise has become an essential part of our business and has given me the efficiencies and consistency we needed and more! My account manager is always on hand to help with anything I need. They can usually fix anything over the phone or email but has also taken the time to meet with me face to face to understand how our business works. The service from Auditwise has been excellent from day one, they are always willing to help and support me and my team.” – Kate Forshaw

AuditWise is a cloud-based auditing platform that enables a user to score and assess anything, from agent calls to hardware. The platform allows users to create bespoke scorecards to evaluate any area of the business, thus highlighting any areas to be improved. At UK IT Networks, our call quality monitoring system – Auditwise offers a range of packages to businesses of all sizes. Getting started with the platform is simple, onboarding is easy through our website. To find out more information about how AuditWise can help your business, contact our sales team on 0344 326 2150 or email

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Approachable | Dedicated | Accountable | Professional | Trustworthy