5G Will Revolutionise Your Business – Here’s What You Need to Know

by Fraser Saunders

5G is a term you have probably heard of, but do you know how beneficial it can be for your business? Choosing the right solution for your business can be a daunting task; you want to give your team the best tools, but the constant stream of new acronyms, jargon and buzzwords can be exhausting.

That’s why we’ve written this guide to help you make an informed decision before investing in this game-changing technology. Check out our jargon buster [link] for explanations of technical terms relating to 5G.

What is 5G?

5G is the fifth generation of technology for mobile networks, offering much better connectivity than its predecessors. It has already been deployed in over 300 locations in the UK, and the rollout continues. Predictions show that 5G will have more than 1.8 billion subscribers worldwide by 2025. It offers greater bandwidth capability, higher download speeds, and lower latency than the current standard, 4G.

What is the difference between 4G and 5G?

4G was trailblazing broadband cellular network technology. It drove the average download speed from 5.6 Megabits per second (Mbps) to a whopping 15.8Mbps. Latency also decreased from 86.4 milliseconds (ms) to 39.2ms. This was totally disruptive to the market when it was introduced 10 years ago.

5G has the potential to bring speeds of 1 Gigabit per second (Gbps) – that’s equal to 1000Mbps. With Three’s recent network update, it is quite literally towering over 4G’s offering.

However, unlike the previous process of replacing 3G with 4G, 5G hasn’t been brought in to outright replace 4G. Instead, 5G is another layer to the existing network that provides more capacity in sections of the UK’s biggest cities. It has been introduced here first as this is where the highest amount of traffic is experienced.

What is the Internet of Things?

The Internet of Things (IoT) encompasses almost everything that is connected to the internet. It is a multitude of devices that join with each other and transfer data across your network – gathering information, analysing it, and creating actions from it. Sensors are in devices such as smart watches, cars, street lamps, bathroom mirrors, mobile phones, traffic lights, and even dog collars; connecting everyday items to make our lives more efficient and much more seamless. 5G is set to elevate this technology beyond what many thought possible.

Although this may sound futuristic, this technology is already becoming the norm. The number of businesses that use IoT technologies has increased from 13% in 2014 to about 25% today, with the number of IoT-connected devices projected to reach 43 billion by 2023.

5G and IoT is Business-Critical

Presently, most business is conducted digitally. If we’re not brainstorming in a virtual meeting on our laptops, we’re responding to customers via webchat on our phones or browsing online shops during our lunch break on a tablet. The IoT, bringing these devices together, is improving these processes behind the scenes by benefiting from 5G’s low latency, super-fast network.

Businesses can harness the power of 5G to elevate the service being delivered to their customers. Response times are faster, apps are more seamless, and employees feel confident and in control knowing they have the best tools for the job. Together, IoT and 5G are the pillars of innovation. Businesses that do not consider the benefits will not be able to keep up with their competitors.

Empowering Your Teams

36% of Brits working from home are relying on mobile data to stay online and 61% say it has improved their overall working experience. ISP Review

But why are so many workers switching to 5G? This mobile network can be significantly faster and more capable, with much lower latency levels. That means clearer calls, faster download speeds and effortless collaboration. Some believe that mobile networks will supersede the use of fixed-line services for businesses working in the near future.

A recent survey of 265 key decision-makers revealed 80% believe that 5G will increase employee productivity, reduce costs, and enhance customer experience. Research also suggests that this technology could boost business revenues in the UK by between £8.3 billion and £15.7 billion.

5G Is The Future

5G is expected to reach more than 40% global population coverage and 1.5 billion subscriptions for enhanced mobile broadband by the end of 2024. Promising superfast speeds, low latency and much better device capacity, this technology is expected to revolutionise mobile networking and create new economic opportunities. To put it simply; 4G is reaching the limit of its technology, and therefore 5G will remove any issues related to speed and capacity as the world connects ever more devices to the internet.

Despite the technical jargon, 5G performance is unrivalled. It will allow your business technology, and your people, to thrive like never before. Check out the additional resources below for more on how 5G is the next technological revolution for businesses.


Speak to our team today to find out more about how we can support you to bring 5G to your business, whether for mobile phones, remote working, or office backups. Email enquiries@ukitnetworks.com, call 0344 326 2150, or start a live chat by clicking the blue icon in the bottom right of your screen.

Additional Resources

Browse our resources for more information about 5G for your business

Jargon Buster

Understand the technical terms of 5G with our guide.

Jargon Guide

5G Infographic

Download our infographic to find out what you need to know about 5G for your business.


Ultimate Guide

Get our Ultimate Guide to 5G to learn everything you need to know about 5G and IoT for your business.


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